Type Level TypeScript | Filter

Exploring the use of the filter function in JavaScript and its implementation with recursive conditional types in TypeScript

Created on February 21, 2024.

Table of Contents

Filtering elements in an array is a common operation in programming. In JavaScript, the filter function provides a simple way to create a new array containing only the elements that meet a certain condition. Let’s see how to use it:

JavaScript: Using filter

const list = ["ciao", "come", "stai"];

const filteredList = list.filter((item) => item.startsWith("c"));
console.log(filteredList); // Output: ["ciao", "come"]

In this example, we have an array of strings list and we want to create a new array containing only the strings that start with the letter “c”. Using the filter function, we define a callback that returns true if the current item starts with “c”, otherwise it returns false.

Recursive Conditional Types for Filtering

Now, let’s explore how we can achieve the same result using recursive conditional types in TypeScript. Below is an implementation that filters strings within an array type:

type List = ["ciao", "come", "stai"];

type StartsWithC<List> = List extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail]
? Head extends `c${string}`
? [Head, ...StartsWithC<Tail>]
: StartsWithC<Tail>
: [];

type CList = StartsWithC<List>;
// ^? type CList = ["ciao", "come"]

In this code, we define a type StartsWithC that takes an array type. Using recursive conditional types, we check if the head of the current array starts with the letter “c”. If yes, we include the head in the resulting array and recursively call StartsWithC with the tail of the array. If not, we exclude the head and recursively call StartsWithC with the tail. This process continues until we have examined all the elements of the original array.

General Case

In general, we can define a Filter type that takes an array type and a filter condition:

type Filter<List, Condition> = List extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail]
? Head extends Condition
? [Head, ...Filter<Tail, Condition>]
: Filter<Tail, Condition>
: [];


In this article, we explored the power of type-level programming in TypeScript, using recursive conditional types to emulate the behavior of JavaScript’s filter function. This is just one example of the many advanced features that TypeScript offers for type manipulation. I hope you found this article useful and that it has inspired you to further explore type-level programming in TypeScript.


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